A CME program in therapeutic patient education by the DESG

Privacy policy

This notice applies across all websites owned and operated by INFOMEDICA (International) Limited (hereinafter “Infomedica” or us). Infomedica Headquarters are in the United Kingdom (contact details are available on our Contact Us page). For Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) purposes, Infomedica acts as data controller in relation to your personal data. Infomedica may need to update this notice from time to time. Where a change is significant, Infomedica will inform you by way of an email or a notice on our websites. This Policy sets out the following:

All personal data is collected and processed in accordance with EU data protection laws.

What Personal Data We Collect and How We Collect Your Data

“Personal data” means any identifiable information about you, like your name, email, address, telephone number and so on and any information about your access to our websites. When you visit our websites or use our services, we collect personal data. The categories of information and the ways we collect it can be broadly categorised into the following:

How Do We Use Your Personal Data and Why

First and foremost, we use your personal data to operate our websites and provide you with any services you’ve requested, and to manage our relationship with you. We also use your personal data for other purposes, which may include the following:

Note that we do not perform any data profiling based on the data we collect from you for statistical and analysis purposes. If we don’t collect your personal data, we may be unable to provide you with all our services, and some functions and features on our websites may not be available to you.

How we can share your data

There will be times when we need to share your personal data with third parties. We will only disclose your personal data to:

International Data Transfers

When we share data, it may be transferred to, and processed in, countries other than the country you live in – such as to Germany, where our data hosting provider’s servers are located. These countries may have laws different to what you’re used to. Rest assured, where we disclose personal data to a third party in another country, we put safeguards in place to ensure your personal data remains protected. For individuals in the European Economic Area (EEA), this means that your data may be transferred outside of the EEA. Where your personal data is transferred outside the EEA, it will only be transferred to countries that have been identified as providing adequate protection for EEA data (like New Zealand), or to a third party where we have approved transfer mechanisms in place to protect your personal data – i.e., by entering into the European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses, or by ensuring the entity is Privacy Shield certified (for transfers to US-based third parties).


Security is a priority for us when it comes to your personal data. We’re committed to protecting your personal data and have appropriate technical and organisational measures in place to make sure that happens.


The length of time we keep your personal data depends on what it is and whether we have an ongoing business need to retain it (for example, to provide you with a service you’ve requested or to comply with applicable legal, tax or accounting requirements). We’ll retain your personal data for as long as we have a relationship with you and for a period of time afterwards where we have an ongoing business need to retain it, in accordance with our data retention policies and practices. Following that period, we’ll make sure it’s deleted or anonymised.

Your Rights

It’s your personal data and you have certain rights relating to it. You have rights to:

You can exercise these rights at any time by sending an email to We will review and investigate your complaint and try to get back to you within a reasonable time frame. You can also complain to your local data protection authority. They will be able to advise you how to submit a complaint.

How to contact us

As a technology company, we prefer to communicate with you by email – this ensures that you’re put in contact with the right person, in the right location, and in accordance with any regulatory time frames. Our email is